Tuesday, November 22, 2005


What else can I, or should I say? The O levels just blew past in one shot. 2 weeks and the 'pain' was over. The pain of doing 'the same thing' since my prelims. I need a challenge! But first I'll just go have FUN over the whole holiday. Well there's not much left - like 7 weeks. Best to make best use of this time.

Well NJC, here you go. You've got an eager student (prospective but very hopeful). Well Physics, I'll probably have fun figuring out starting a nuclear chain reaction. hahahaha. Chemistry - I'll just see if thermium nitrate explosive do exist. and Bio , What bio? Adios Amigo, no need to see you again. Economics, let's hope it gets interesting, because I'm going to have a real nice look at how US has such a ballooning trade deficit with China. And maths. Ah the nuts and bolts of everything in science. I'd say that for life, but all the artisans (to quote the Venetians) will probably claim their rice bowls for that title.

Moving on, wonder whether I'll get into NUS. Their pseudo F1 FASE race car seems like a worthy project. I mean the Malaysian A1 team is so boring. The cars are all IDENTICAL. Well engineers, let us all go to sleep. Where is diversity? how creative can you get with the body setup? In the end, it's more a driver's thing. So yeah NUS, if you want to help me here. Please e-mail me at zelauto@gmail.com . I'll be really grateful.