Thursday, April 13, 2006

Post speech Day

You could have called it the final bow, the supernova, or any other spectacular celebration that perceeds the end of an era. To me, that was what speech day 2006 meant, in more ways than one.

Monk's Hill, the school which has upgraded my quality of secondary school life from economy (on board Afghanistan Airways ;) to Singapore Airlines First Class, will now been gobbled up by Balestier Hill Sec. So sad. Even sadder are my dear sec 1 juniors who have to endure 3-4 years there. I still remember one of the sweetest things about MHSS that Vanessa told me. The sec 1s' parents were all thumbs up for us. Their only concern was the state of their children in Balestier Hills. Well at least we fielded a 7A1 scorer to match 46 premier schools on MOE's Annex A. YAY!!! Balestier Hill, weighing in at over 3 times our size apparently did not. SUPERNOVA. At least if we leave the scene, we shall fight to the last man, oh and disappear in a blinding flash of light.

Can't bear to think what the little ACS (J)s will do to our lovely school. For 48 years, we were at one with our environment. We even got the NEA's Hibiscus and Orchid award!! Now after air conditioning the hall (which was designed for natural ventilation), they pollute our scenic Monk's Hill (and the neighbouring madrasah) with car exhaust fumes.

The end of the other era was that of my easy years in Secondary school. For too long, it was like living in a fantasy world of caring teachers and easy scores. Now as JC comes around, I am thrown back to a jarring reality of how difficult the subjects are. Sure NJC still has one of the most friendly teachers I can think of...but how do you expect them to be a staff room away when you need help...especially when they have to juggle a few classes. Then add the lecturers who keep rotating like some never ending merry go round. Still takes getting used to. That's before you factor the A level syllabus which is almost exponentially harder than the O levels.

Still for Monk's Hill I shall continue to strive. THE WILL TO WIN. What a nice motto! Simple yet powerful. At least that's one way of showing NJCians that a Monk's Hill exists can never be extinguished.