Monday, January 19, 2009

A Sign of the Times...

Amazingly, Singtel saw it fit, along with splashing the usual ads on their site, to include a neat little table to get subscribers up to speed on 'SMS' lingo.

Aw Yea == Oh Yes
Aw Naw == Oh No!
BTW == By the way
CUL8R == Call you later
EZ == Easy
E2EG == Ear to Ear Grin
H&K == Hugs and kisses
LOL == Laughed out loud / Lots of luck
LTS == Laughing to self
L8R G8R == See you later alligator
2MORO == Tomorrow
CU 2MORO == See you tomorrow
ROFL == Rolling on the floor laughing
SHID == Slaps head in disgust
SOHF == Sense of humour failure
TTFN == Ta ta for now
oxoxoxoxo == Hugs and kisses
YTLKIN2ME == You talking to me?
YYSSW == Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever


What on earth? Some of these phrases sound oddly like the disembodied bits of java and C code that I find myself facing in 15-111 and 15-123... It gets even worse when some people spew out miles of those code like a runaway for loop!

Never mind that I'm an Electrical and Computer Major (possibly considering a Computer Science minor), in possibly the capital of Computer Science madness - Carnegie Mellon University. There's just got to something more to life than more of the same once I step away from the keyboard.

Maybe it is really a good thing that the people I meet in the United States still are surprisingly less glued to Instant Messaging (aka MSN) and text messaging than the average Singaporean I know. Let the beauty of natural human language reign while it still remains.